Let's see if I can catch up...
1. Baby M (nickname under construction)
2. Baseball, Baseball, and more Baseball
Big Brother's baseball all-star team kept winning and winning, and winning. One tournament shy of the world series! They played in Florida the week after Baby M was born. Lovie, Big Brother, and Stinkerbelle flew to Florida and I stayed at home with Baby M. My parents came and stayed with me so I wouldn't be alone. My house has never been cleaner and I think my Dad achieved the impossible...EVERY bit of laundry was done. Amazing.
The baseball team did okay but didn't win the tournament. It was a fun experience but we were all relieved when it was over.
3. Big Brother is growing up too fast.
He had to shave his moustache, with a little help.
He's playing football for the school and loves it. He is the starting running back and plays linebacker on defense. We're on the lookout for college
recruiters but so far, no one has approached us. :-) His games are on Tuesday nights. Mom comes over and either watches the girls so Lovie and I can both go to the games or she comes with us and we ALL watch Big B play.

Stinkerbelle likes the games as long as she has plenty of room to wiggle.
5. Halloween
Stinkerbelle was a mermaid, compliments of her cousins and her Aunt Kiss.
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