I love my pink blankie but I will share it with my sissy, My-Eee.
I can't say my Rs or my Ls just yet. I think it really cruel that my sister's name is Marley.
I think it hilarious when I say "night night" to the couch.
I am bossy. I have recently noticed that I get in trouble when I yell "No!" to Mommy and Daddy.
I love to be outside. I draw with sidewalk chalk all over my Bubba's basketball court. I have a bucket and a shovel that I use to try to dig up the yard.
When someone asks me how old I am, I look at my fingers first and try to hold up just two of them. I get frustrated and just say "Twooooo"
Here I am with Mommy, only 1 day old.

Here I am, six months old

Here I am one year ago at my first birthday

Here I am at 13 months

17 months

Dancing with my favorite blankie
22 months and covered in dirt.